How many calories are in an egg?

How many calories are in an egg?

Eggs integrated food

Eggs that integrated food which is indispensable for children and adults tables without him. Everyone knows the high nutritional value, but revolve around a lot of false beliefs and bad habits in the preparation and cooking. In this article we explain to you some of the misconceptions about the eggs, the difference between the white and the yolk, the types of eggs, omega-3 eggs, egg content of cholesterol, the number of eggs allowed per week, and the best ways to prepare eggs.

How many calories are in an egg?

Eggs and Dieting

One egg contains 75 calories and 60 calories concentrated them in the egg yolk. So vogue take the egg whites in the accursed. However, we recommend that you eat a whole egg and the high nutritional value in the egg yolk in a whole. It should be noted that the method of preparation of eggs significantly contribute to determine the content of calories. Vawhith boiled contain only 77 calories while fried egg contains approximately 82 calories. The cooked eggs using a lot of oil or butter rises from the calorie content to more than 125 calories. If you want a healthy Bergam contain eggs, followed this accursed

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White hair silky

Many girls may be surprised when you read the contents of their own hair lotion to find components within the egg protein. The truth is that there is no reason to wonder Whites in addition to the high nutritional value contains high percentages of substance Allisthyn that strengthens hair follicles and destroys the embrittlement and drought. The egg yolk plays an important role in wetting the hair. You can make preparations to moisturize your hair at home, add egg yolks to the hanging of olive oil and leave it on your hair one to two hours, then wash your hair and repeat these steps twice a week and you'll notice the difference in the smoothness of hair. If you do not hear you'd like to lay eggs on your hair, here's another recipe for the treatment of hair brittle and dry.

Benefits of Eggs

Eggs contain all the nutrients from the concentration of protein in the white, fat, and eggs contain all the vitamins and minerals, except for vitamin C (C). And is not true that the egg whites more useful or nutritional value of the egg yolk each has distinctive elements of food and the right thing is to eat a whole egg to reach the maximum benefit from the nutritional value of its elements.

How many calories are in an egg?

Source of omega-3
Eggs inherently source of omega-3, a material most important and best for the promotion of mental capacity and raise the mental capacity, especially among children focus level. The omega-3 has a magical effect on the heart and blood vessels and arteries and reduce the risk of harmful cholesterol. One egg contains approximately 150 milligrams of omega-3. Recently some pastures produce eggs rich in significant proportions of omega-3 is produced to feed the chicken feed and foodstuffs rich in omega-3.

Identified the health cholesterol levels

Source of selenium
Filled with egg yolk and white hauled element selenium known active role in male fertility and increase the number and movement of sperm. Selenium also plays a very important role as an antioxidant helps in getting rid of free radicals. One egg gives the human body is about 30% of the needs of the element selenium. So men need to nutrition experts advise eating eggs in their diets constantly.

Bone health
Gives you a single egg has more than ten percent of the needs of the element phosphorus (sulfur) needed to build strong bones. Most of that percentage is concentrated in the yolk of the egg-white more.

Identified the sources of calcium for stronger bones

How many calories are in an egg?

Source of vitamin B-12 (B12)
Daily human needs about 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B-12. A vitamin vital and necessary for the nervous system and for the synthesis of red blood cells also play a key role in metabolism. Egg and one medium-sized may provide you with more than 12% of the daily needs of your body of vitamin B-12. Where a single egg contains about 0.3 micrograms of vitamin B-12, a percentage is considerable.

Eggs and cholesterol
Attention should be paid to the egg content of cholesterol is concentrated cholesterol in egg yolks without whiteness. Although cholesterol is essential for our bodies, because he is in the process of synthesis of certain hormones, but he prefers not extravagant in eating eggs for those who have heart problems or complain of high blood cholesterol. Usually contain a single egg on the 186 milligrams of cholesterol. Attention should be paid to the need not to skip the barrier of 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day for the average person and this means eating about 7 eggs per week. Those who complain of high cholesterol in the blood is recommended to take 2-3 eggs per week.

Also Read the best foods for heart health and cholesterol-lowering

Eggs integrated food for your baby

You can feed your baby eggs beginning from the age of nine months. For more on the important foods for the growth of the child at this stage Read about baby food in the first year of life

Selection eggs

Nutrition experts advise buying organic eggs (Organic) which eggs come from chickens fed on organic feed and plants did not interfere with any chemicals in cultivation. Maybe this kind of white high cost, but the nutritional value is also high. As you will find in the supermarket eggs wrote it rich in omega-3 in this case, given the high food chicken content of Alomega 3 such as flax seeds. Concentrated omega-3 in the egg yolk. You may also find the color brown eggs and egg white in color in the markets. The color of the egg does not indicate a difference in nutritional value but it is just the color of the crust.

Remember eggs

The worst place to save the eggs in the refrigerator door is where the temperature is relatively high. That causes the proliferation of non-desirable bacteria. The best way to save is to keep the eggs in its box and place it in the bottom of the refrigerator.

The best ways to prepare and cook the eggs

There are many disparate information about cleaning the eggs before cooking. The best way to clean it is scanned paper to get rid of the residue. If you want to clean it more eggs you can wash in warm water quickly but provided they do not leave it in the water for long periods, and not recommended to use cold water because it causes the entry of some residue on the crust into the egg.

For cooking the best way to cook eggs without adding any fat or additions increase the number of calories is boiling. Hard-boiled eggs can be served with brown bread toast. But if you are a fan of fried eggs frying eggs Amcnam small Imlakh of olive oil. Nutrition experts also advised to add vegetables such as spinach, mushrooms and onions for a full morning meal containing protein and good oils and fiber. You can also spray the eggs frying oil in a cooking utensils against adhesion to reduce the amount of added oils. We should also note the need for a well-frying until full maturity in order to avoid the presence of undesirable bacteria such as salmonella.
How many calories are in an egg?

Some who practice sport weights consume raw eggs thinking that raw eggs better for muscle or exercise, this from misconceptions. They may also expose themselves to unwanted bacteria, including salmonella that may be present in raw eggs. The proportion of eggs contaminated with Salmonella or chicken are a small percentage, but caution is due.

Nutritional value per egg (50 g)

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